Get a demo from a Cuick Trac product expert and learn:

During your demo, you’ll be surprised to learn:

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How much time you’ll save on implementation

Because Cuick Trac is purpose-built and pre-configured, we don’t need months to get you set up, we need days.

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How to prove compliance status and be awarded contracts

Cuick Trac takes on the responsibility of every technical practice of NIST 800-171, which leaves customers with a more digestible POAM for non-technical requirements.

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Why is FRME a strong capability for Defense contractors

With Cuick Trac’s FedRAMP Moderate Equivalency, we meet the stringent security requirements for handling CUI, ensuring compliance with DFARS 252.204-7012 reporting requirements, while offering our clients a cost-effective, scalable solution.

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How affordable Cuick Trac is compared to other alternatives

We are the only solution that provides a clear responsibility matrix and transparent total costs year over year, unlike many alternatives in the market.

Part of the most relevant industry groups and committees

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